Editing Opportunities & Quotes
Editing unit information on a quote will revert it to an opportunity.
When an opportunity or quote is selected, the right side of the screen displays all related information.
Click the image below for a brief overview of the user interface.
The top section contains job related information such as contact information, delivery address, order details, and shipping terms.
The bottom section contains all unit related information, including accessories, water treatment, freight costs and line item order.
To edit an opportunity or quote:
- Select the desired opportunity or quote from the list.
- Click the top Edit
The Edit screen opens.
Click the image below for a brief overview of the user interface.
- Make the necessary edits, then click Apply and Save.
For information on archiving opportunities and quotes that are no longer necessary, see Deleting and Archiving.
Renaming Opportunities & Quotes
You can rename an opportunity or quote at any time, name changes will appear on all relevant documents.
- Select the desired opportunity or quote from the list.
- Click the top Edit
The Edit screen opens.
Click the image below for a brief overview of the user interface.
- Click on the opportunity/quote name, and make the desired changes.
- Click Apply and Save.