The Accessories Screen

Through the Accessories screen you can quickly accessorize units, add water treatment, and use the split coil wizard on condensers.

The Accessories screen can be accessed either through The Results Screen or while Editing Units on an Opportunity or Quote.

Certain accessories will cause thermal performance reduction in cooling units, please consider the necessary capacity and what accessories will be added later on.

Click the image below for a brief overview of the user interface.

Units Tray

All selected units appear in the tray spanning the top of the screen.

Each card contains high-level information related to that unit.

Selected Unit Indicator

Click the image below for a brief overview of the user interface.

When multiple units are in the tray, the one selected/in focus is highlighted in green.

The selected unit dictates the available accessories and wizards.

The bottom of the screen displays the current unit's thermal capacity, factoring required operating parameters and all applied accessories.

Accessories List

Displays all available accessories for the currently selected unit.

Click the image below for a brief overview of the user interface.

Accessory States

Accessories in the list appear in three different states:

- Eligible to be applied.

- Accessory blocked, either because a matching accessory is already applied, or requires another accessory needs to be applied first.

- Already applied.

Thermal/Sound Impacting Accessories

Accessories that either impact thermal capacity or sound levels have a symbol next to them, indicating either effect.

If a thermal impacting accessory causes the unit capacity to go below 100%, you will not be able to formally quote the unit.

Filtering Accessories

Product lines can be filtered based on keywords such as ladder, stainless, heater etc.

After entering a filter, it can be cleared by clicking thenext to the Filter button.

View Modes

Accessories can be viewed either as a list in alphabetical viewor by category in simple view.

Expanded view

You can click on any accessory from the list to see an expanded view with additional accessory information and any relevant accessory questions.

Accessories Screen Toolbar

The tools that appear or are available depend on the unit currently selected.

In the order displayed on the toolbar, these actions include:

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